Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Space Creatures Review by Al-Quran

Praise be to God Peace and greetings may shed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, shahabatnya and follow them well until the Day of Judgement. Amma ba'du:

Readers congregation Ta'alaa :

Phenomena that occurred recently is the emergence of UFO traces in the form of crop circle in Sleman, Yogyakarta Indonesia alarming people, especially people around because it was the first place in our country.

Some people believe that it is directly trace UFO and aliens are really there, while most people in haste deny and say that aliens did not exist.

So how do we as a Muslim is required to believe in the supernatural that we can not see addressing this phenomenon?

How aliens phenomena viewed from the Qur'an?

It should be known that people who created and shaped from there and blow it from his soul, and establish the creation of this universe, including the magic in it, is also is able to create spaceships and creatures, the Qur'an has shown the creatures unknown to man prophetic period, as well as the Qur'an indicates the role of ilmiyah invention, and that any news would be no time showing it, Allah Azza wa Jalla said:

(والخيل والبغال والحمير لتركبوها وزينة ويخلق ما لا تعلمون) (النحل: 8)

This means that: ( and he has created horses, mules and donkeys, for you to ride, and (other) decorations. and God created all that you do not know . ) [Surah An-Nahl: 8].

The above verse suggests that there are some creatures that were created by God Ta'aala of animal species that we do not know, because God Ta'aala beings connecting with horses, mules and donkeys, which is the type of animal.

And mentioned in the Qur'an several other verses that seem to hint at the animals in the heavens and the earth, such as the word of God Ta'alaa:

( ومن آياته خلق السماوات والأرض وما بث فيهما من دابة وهو على جمعهم إذا يشاء قدير) (الشورى: 29 )

This means: ( in between his signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the creatures that lives in them He spread the word . and He has power to gather them together when He wills ) [Surah Ash-Shurah: 29].

Some scholars say that the pronouncement daabbah (reptile creature) shows that the other angelic beings because AllahAzza wa Jalla distinguish between beasts and the angel of the mention of his word:

(ولله يسجد ما في السماوات وما في الأرض من دآبة والملآئكة وهم لا يستكبرون) (النحل: 49)

This means that: ( and to Allah prostrate all the creatures that slither in the sky and all the beasts of the earth, and (also) the ma] aikat, they (angels) are not proud ) [Surah An-Nahl: 49).

He Ta'alaa mentioned in the paragraph above creatures creatures creatures creatures in the heavens and the earth, and then mentions the angels.

With verses like this to some scholars said that it never hurts to be alert of this nature, there is another natural, but should we not ensure this, because these signs can contain more than one possible pentakwilan. ( Fatwa from Sheikh Abdullah Al-Faqih hadidzohullah Ta'alaa )

The argument that these creatures who created man with a resemblance to the DNA intermediate and that she is a magical force that resulted in human existence, then this is essentially an opinion denying the belief that a falsehood.


Although the Qur'an has hinted in several verses of the existence of extraterrestrial beings, but we can not ensure that the phenomena of the earth is a trace of their existence, because no one has ever seen them live there as often depicted in films, so we can not directly deny their existence because the Qur'an was a signal that allows their existence.

But we should not concern themselves too deep on this issue because it is not required to include the worship of God for us to expect a reward and ridlo his world and the hereafter.

Bishowab Wallau knows best.

(Ar /

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