Nashir Bin Hamd al-Fahd, in his work entitled "At-Tibyan Kufri Man A'ana fi al-Amrikan" explains 10 (ten) the general conduct of the wrong done the people of Prophet Lut, namely:
Would we be able to learn from the people of Prophet Lut events we can avoid and turn it into a benefit for our nation of Indonesia, which continued to hit test, and this disaster?
1. Mock pigeons
Features of old pigeons as carriers of messages / news between islands. From this discourse, we can conclude that the news here is not just any news, but news from The Superintendent of Nature, ie the Qur'an. The rejection properties of the compound to the people of Indonesia that the Qur'an is the NUMBER 1 SOURCE OF WRATH OF GOD IN INDONESIA.
JIL and the existence of some Sharia law REJECT. Such as inheritance law, Hijab, and even there some Muslim women in Indonesia in the name of gender equality by rejecting the hijab.
2. Archery Fruits
Fruit here is Grace of God in the material and spiritual. Archery fruits means removing the favor of Allah and made a mere game. The biggest favor Allah is Ad-Din Islam. And how many of the leaders of the Indonesian people to harass scholars arrest based on alleged terrorists such as Abu Bakar Ba'asyir Ustadz and several other young men who are not necessarily true.
3. Clap
This means that fun when seeing another person with the disobedience is the reason each has a private matter that should not be violated his rights.
It also could mean the party complained that the sheep are conflicting / hostile (two hands collide, producing a loud noise). Look, Islam is opposed by terrorists and used as bumper western people, and woe to us that in fact the leader of his Muslim mengamini and say that they are not willing to run if the Islamic law in Indonesia
4. Life-Mewahan Bermewah
Many officials of the executive, legislative forget their promises during the campaign, to enrich themselves (illegal way, corruption) and lowering those people who have been chosen.
5. Hair long and shaggy
Legal system, economy, government and non-life adaptation of the Quran and Sunnah but from laws such as Western colonialism: secularism (hereafter deny), liberalism (freedom in all things, not to the Islamic law and an independent Jewish life-style)
And just look, the young Muslim Indonesia were many kinds of folk western appearance and also think (fikroh) model of free sex, and other disadvantages that they are considered the progress of the times and the ideal pattern of life.
6. Detonate a chewed
This is a symbol of many TURMOIL, GHIBAH, AND GLOBAL favored an issue and be role models rather than the Qur'an and Sunnah.
The high rating television current and Infotainment TV series that presents the show puppy love and teenage life rags penetrate Muslim Indonesia and the mother-housewife.
Then an issue-an issue that suddenly sticking to the surface and cause public anxiety in the religious life. Examples of many of the emergence of a new prophet, and the flow of new deviant other. Number of claims that it is most true Islam and Haq, and the Muslims who are not members of their communities is INFIDEL / err as LDII etc.
7. Menjuraikan KAIN
Cain serves as a cover nakedness, and health care. It also could mean that life in any society is excessive, for example in dress, attitude to the adversary, to judge a person guilty, etc.
8. Displacing or Seizure House Others
This is not a symbol, but the fact is there much lately. Look, a lot of people crying, frightened and became homeless because their houses evicted and deported, but they have legal status in the eyes of the law of land.
9. Homosexual / Lesbian
This is the main sin of the folk of Lot are then punished by God immediately. In fact, it seems, no one left the people of Sodom by God, to Sodom, to traders who are trading in the state of God waiting for his return to Syria with the torment of other people of Lut.
10. Booze
This is the root of sin. Because alcohol can lead to bad / bad behavior of other wrath of God. And Indonesia has not been completely free alcohol and drugs.
Let us look at the Word of God in the Qur'an Surat Ibrahim (14) No. Sentence: 28
ألم تر إلى الذين بدلوا نعمة الله كفرا وأحلوا قومهم دار البوار
Have you not seen those who exchanged the favor of Allah into blasphemy and caused their people to the valley of destruction?
Hopefully this can make a valuable lesson for Indonesia to seek good over evil and eternity immoral.
Subhanakkallahuma wabihamdika Asyhadu Ala illaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa'atubu ilaik
Indonesia Crying For Many Laughs & Default to God & His Messenger.
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