Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Queen Elizabeth asked to convert to Islam

A Muslim preacher has sparked controversy after asking for Britain's Queen Elizabeth to convert to his faith.
Anjem Choudary claims the only way the 83-year-old monarch, who is head of the Church of England, will be sure of a place in heaven is if she becomes Muslim.
He said: "We invite everyone from the queen, to the ministers, to the Parliament, to the aristocracy, to the ordinary person in Britain to embrace Islam.
"Save yourself and your children in this life from misery and prepare them for a great destiny in the hereafter."
Choudary, who is close to Islamic radical Omar Bakri, also spoke out about the upcoming UK election, due to take place next year.
He said: "Britain does not need a new leader, it needs a revolution - an Islamic revolution."
Labour MP Andrew Dismore has criticised Choudary's comments.
He said: "It'd be laughable if we didn't know that some take this man seriously."

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