A new therapy for the new millennium
Magnetic Wave Therapy is one of the latest methods to arise from contemporary research into treatments seeking relief for chronic discomfort, taking inspiration from the way in which complementary health techniques are able to influence the human body's natural healing process. Recent progress in this area indicates magnetic therapy has an exciting future for as a non-invasive effective treatment, able to help promote effective discomfort relief, and general well being, across a number of conditions...
Over the past year, publicity and awareness of magnets to help eliminate discomfort and speed healing has increased dramatically. Medical and scientific studies document positive effects with more studies on going. News articles and books have been published which educate consumers on the uses, benefits and availability of magnets. Consumer testimonials are abundant.
Studies have shown that magnets may be an effective therapy for the relief of discomfort. It is believed that applying magnetic fields to an injured area improves blood flow and oxygen to enhance the body's natural healing process. Magnets create a magnetic field believed to attract and repel charged particles in the blood creating movement and heat. This causes the blood vessels to widen which is believed to accelerate the healing process by allowing more blood to pass through the capillary thus improving blood flow, which takes away the toxins in the system and brings in nutrient rich blood to the affected area. The improved blood flow and fluid exchange to the injured tissue helps reduce discomfort and inflammation. The magnetic field is also thought to stimulate the nervous system, triggering blockage of discomfort sensations.
Another perspective comes from John Zimmerman, Ph.D., one of the leading authorities in America on the subject of magnets. He is president of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute, an independent, nonprofit, educational, research organization dedicated to furthering our understanding of bio-electromagnetism. Dr. Zimmerman has published extensively and is currently conducting a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the effectiveness of fixed magnets for low back pain. Another Researcher is Dr.Philpott who is a member of the North American Academy of Magnetic Therapy.Here is what Philpott feels the North Pole will do:North (Negative) Pole of the magnet
Relieves pain
Reduces swelling
Promotes tissue alkalinization
Promotes sound, restful sleep
Increases tissue oxygenation
Calms the nervous system
Assists in relief of addictive tendencies
A noteworthy American double blind, placebo-controlled study on the effects of static magnets on the treatment of arthritis was recently published in the ®MDBR¯Journal of Rheumatology®MDNM¯ (November 1997, p. 1200). The study confirms the effectiveness of magnets in relieving the pain of arthritis.
Who are some of the leading authorities conducting research on magnetic therapy, and what are they studying? Visit us Telkom University