Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Intelligence Strategy of the Prophet and the Companions

Rasoolullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam was a leader of a war strategist. He introduces intelligence strategy already 14 centuries ago. For the purposes of intelligence and military secrecy, the Prophet store information meetings in troop numbers is even to his beloved wife, Siti Aisyah or on his own belief Companions, Abu Bakr Ash-Shidiq.

In the history of Islam also recorded the name of Ibn al-Yemeni Hudhayfah as one of the mainstay of intelligence agents or spies in the face of the Messenger of unbelievers and hypocrites who want to fight Islam and Muslims. By Allah, Hudhayfah regarded as a trustworthy, have strong memories of clever and witty in processing information. Hudhayfah also known as a highly sociable which makes it easier to run the operation telik password.

One important task is carried Hudhayfah at Trench War (Battle of the Trench). At that time, the Prophet commissioned Hudhayfah to spy on forces of the Quraish of Mecca and binding 10,000 thousand people, plus the help of the strength of the Jewish people. They planned to attack the city of Medina which only has a strength of 3,000 troops of war.

Messenger .... intelligence strategy was introduced 14 centuries ago. For the purposes of intelligence and military secrecy, he saves the information meetings in troop numbers is even to his beloved wife and companions of faith ....

When did liberation from the tribe of Quraish of Mecca country, the Prophet Muhammad, when it plans to deploy 10,000 troops of the Muslim army. To make a 'surprise attack', the Prophet sent his intelligence to Mecca. His job is to confuse the enemy for their information on happenings at odds whether or not the Islamic forces are planning a surprise attack with a large amount.

The next day, in a sudden attack that you really Quraish throe.They did not think in the morning blind man, has come up tens of thousands of people from the Islamic forces in the city of Mecca.Without preparation, they then gave up. Messenger understand, the Quraysh would not take the fight. For in his hands, the Prophet has mastered the information the enemy forces, the situation would happen, until the information logistics, concerning the state of the roads to be traversed Islamic forces and spring conditions. Detail, neat and confidential. That was the strategy Muhammad in running the war and intelligence.

In performing his duties as a spy, Hudhayfah also very careful and do not behave that could raise suspicion. Hudhayfah also strongly uphold the belief that Allah has given him to hold the list of hypocrites. Even when the companions of the Prophet, Umar ibn Khattab was asked about the list of names, Hudhayfah refused him.

To find out who those people who entered the list of hypocrites, 'Umar could only be observed if there are people who died and Hudhayfah menyolatkannya not, then that person is a hypocrite.

.... A Companions Abdullah bin Unis also has sent the Prophet to infiltrate into the heart of the enemy forces ....

A Companions Abdullah bin Unis also been sent to infiltrate into the heart of the Messenger of enemy troops. The main target is the mission of the Children Lihyaan Huzail tribes led by their commander, Khalid bin Al-Hazaly Sofyan.

This mission is carried out because the Muslims get the news that Khalid bin Sofyan Al-Hazaly concentration of forces working to hold joint force large enough pagans in the area Uranah to attack Islam. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah sent Abdullah bin Unis to conduct reconnaissance missions as well as investigations to confirm the news story.

Companions of the Prophet the other, who was assigned to intelligence operations was Abdullah bin Al-Asady Jahsy. Month End Jumadil 1424, Abdullah bin Al-Asady Jahsy, along with twelve companions from among muhajirin, including: Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash and 'Utbah bin Ghazwan. Prophet gave him a letter to be read if the journey they have reached two days.

After two days of travel, the commander, Abdullah bin Jahsy then open the contents of the letter. Its contents, is nothing but an order to spy on the enemy: "Go to the Nikhlah, between Mecca and Tha'if. Intailah circumstances Quraish people there and report it to us their situation. "After reading the letter, Abdullah bin Jahsy and his entourage then said," Kutaati this command! "

.... The Prophet intelligence missions have also carried out propaganda to weaken the enemy forces ....

In the intelligence mission he also had to do propaganda to weaken the enemy forces. In the story, never once combined enemy forces divorced in ruins and fragmented due to lack of cohesiveness among them due to the propaganda being waged Nu'aim bin Mas'ud Al-Ghathafany, former enemies who later joined the army of Islam. Nu'aim do psyco war (war tendon condition), and the propaganda that makes the power of the enemy wavered and divorced apart. [Desastian /]

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